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Our library contains content created by our team before April 2022, when operating in the “big-four” environment, while as of 1 April 2022, Football Benchmark operates as an independent entity.

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Stadium developments - the benefit expected


In a new episode of Sky Italy’s Football Benchmark series, Andrea Sartori provides context around some current stadium development trends, with a focus on projects in the Italian Serie A.

AC Milan back in the spotlight


In a new episode of Sky Italy’s Football Benchmark series Andrea Sartori provides some context around the recent successes of AC Milan both on and off the pitch.

Chelsea in the Abramovich era


In this Sky Football Benchmark episode, we discuss Chelsea’s performance in the Abramovich era, focusing on the financial evolution of the club.

Covid impact on the transfer market and January transfer window recap


In this Sky Football Benchmark episode, we discuss the impact of the Covid pandemic on football clubs’ transfer market activities, and also the most recent transfer market trends.

Can commercial income guarantee revenue growth for top clubs?


In this Sky Football Benchmark episode, we discuss the evolution of the commercial revenue stream at some top European football clubs, with a focus of the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Sky Football Benchmark: How players create value for their club


In this episode of Sky Football Benchmark, we analyse how players create value for their respective club. 

65 Result(s)